Karma of the day

Karma of the day

This morning, going down the stairs to the exit, on the third floor, I saw two beautiful butterflies in vain beating against the window in an attempt to break free. How they got inside remains a mystery because the window on the stairwell landing was tightly closed. Even the top sash window is almost sealed for the winter.

I had to sweat out to open the first and then the second glass parts of the barrier. An effort was also needed to direct the cute creatures into the blooming air – trying not to touch their wings, I waved my hands to the insects directing them to the open window. Soon I felt that my karma was filled with positive points, and I happily went on about my business. So nobly and beautifully, my day started.

On the same day, but already at night, so to speak, at sunset, I found some huge unrecognizable beetle in my apartment. Having unsuccessfully tried to catch him, I decided, “Okay, to hell with you, fly”, nevertheless watching with the corner of my eye its movements and periodical hitting of the wall (do they really not have any radar!). That’s what brought it down. After another wall blow, instead of the usual rebound, it fell right into the wall lamp, semi-oval and open at the top. Through the fogged glass, I saw how the poor bug was being roasted under a powerful light bulb and hysterically rushing from side to side, bumping into the corpses of other insects that really scared it!

I closely watched the insect and my inner sensation. I felt sorry for it, but… But I didn’t want him buzzing in my bedroom, and its death would be in my favor. I was okay with its death.

How drastically my karma has changed in this short period – from morning to night of one day of my, and not only, life.

Last Modified: 2024-01-20

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