Banned movies

Banned movies

Thanks to Twitter, I found "AN EXAMPLE LIST of films not recommended for distribution on the territory of the Republic of Belarus".

List of films prohibited for distribution in the Republic of Belarus

Now I do not have to look for something to watch frantically.
I've got a ready-made list of "summer reading" :)

Even though judging by the name, half of them are horror films. I will skip them on the recommendation of the Ministry of Culture :-0

The rest surely deserves attention!

UPD: As usual, developers hired by the government couldn't organize an orgy in a brothel. So here's a link to Wikipedia for this epic list, ironically including as the last one (or first from the bottom) the cult film "V for Vendetta". Nothing to add here.

List of movies prohibited for distribution in the Republic of Belarus

List of movies prohibited for distribution in the Republic of Belarus

Last Modified: 2024-01-07

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