Note of insomnia
Day 0

Note of insomnia

So, it’s a little over 5 in the morning and I'm not sleeping as usual. But this time I am not sleeping on the train, sitting up, slowly but surely heading to the hero city of Moscow. As always, my heart flutters and bursts out of my chest. Panic has already gone, but obviously not far. I have to go to sleep, but I really forgot how it is done on the train. The odor here is unimaginable: a mixture of dirty socks and toilet. And I actually felt nature's call, although usually on the trips, my belly is very quiet.

The people around are all serious and gloomy. It happens) Well, the first stage is over, yet there still are a hell of a lot of others before I can safely lie down on the bed next to my switched-on laptop. Wish me luck and keep me safe, my beloved stars and moon, planets, and other celestial bodies. Thank you, Universe for helping and protecting me. Wish everyone goodness and love!)

Last Modified: 2023-12-27

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