Panama City

Panama City, also simply known as Panama, is the capital and largest city of Panama. It has an urban population of 880,691, with over 1.5 million in its metropolitan area. The city is located at the Pacific entrance of the Panama Canal, in the province of Panama. The city is the political and administrative center of the country, as well as a hub for banking and commerce.

Панамскі канал і дурны немец

South America 2013-2014

Раніцай я адправілася на Панамскі канал – нарэшце, трэба сказаць, бо гэта галоўная славутасць Панамы. Доўга чакала гарадскога аўтобусу, але ж праехалася ў ім бясплатна, бо панамцы неяк не бяруць грошы, калі просіш "прабіць за цябе талончык". А вось на аўтобусным тэрмінале Панама Сіці трэба плаціць двойчы: за білет і за праход да аўтобусу (першы каштаваў $0,35, а другі $1,25) - вось такая вельмі дзіўная сістэма.

Obtaining a Colombian visa (part two) and disputes

South America 2013-2014

Over the dinner we started arguing about food, genetically modified products, corporations and much more other things. It was fun :D

Атрыманне калумбійскай візы і сямейная вячэра

South America 2013-2014

Рана раніцай Марсей разбудзіў мяне для падрыхтоўцы да апойманту, як я рыхтавалася невядома, але ж усе роўна нічога не паспе

Acquaintance with Marcell and Panamanian oddities

South America 2013-2014

Returned from the volcano, went to the shower, packed up and went back to Panama City. The mood varied from incredible self-satisfaction to reluctance and "how they all got me". It was all the result of my night climbing and not sleeping for two days.

Road to David

South America 2013-2014

Today, on the 10th day of my trip, I moved out of the clean, hot water-supplied hotel and went to a new unexplored city and the first hostel in my life, but with the same goal, seeking adventure and new friends.

Lonely stroll through Panama City

South America 2013-2014

I acclimatized and went for a walk and walked so much that it got dark. I don't recommend anyone to do this...

Escape always helps

South America 2013-2014

Seeking justice in a foreign country in a foreign language has no chance of success. And I am from Belarus, so I have no habit of hoping for justice at all. I had packed my belongings and left this shithole.

In fact the Panamanians are not very nice people or my first problems

South America 2013-2014

In the first half of the day together with Sergey we were wandering around the various embassies preparing to continue the trip.

Acquaintance with modern Panama City and a real backpacker

South America 2013-2014

Through the narrow streets of the center we gradually moved to the business territory of the capital with skyscrapers and civilization.

First date

South America 2013-2014

In addition to the old city, there are other streets and people in Panama City. One of them asked me out on a date and this is what happened.

First day

South America 2013-2014

Yet in Belarus I booked a hotel near the historical part in the center of Panama City. As it turned out later this was the only positive characteristic of this so-called hotel, although rather a motel or a brothel.