Again school days at their best
Day 73

Again school days at their best

For now there is an article in Russian.

I found myself a Spanish school, Equinox, not far from where I live. I agreed on one week of lessons under the “ONE TO ONE” program for a couple of hours (there simply wasn’t enough money for more) with teacher Evgenia.

I found myself a Spanish school, Equinox, not far from where I live. I agreed on one week of lessons under the “ONE TO ONE” program for a couple of hours (there simply wasn’t enough money for more) with teacher Evgenia.

For a few hours after Spanish school, I walk around the local district to get my head more or less working.

For a few hours after Spanish school, I walk around the local district to get my head more or less working.

Last Modified: 2024-01-19

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